martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016


                     Joan Domingo

Hello! My name is Joan and I from La Ràpita, a village near Balaguer (Lleida).I'm twelve years old, my birthday is in February. I study English at school and I wold like and e-friendsd to help me practise English.
I don't like get up early because I love sleep. Next I have breakfast. After school I have lunch, next
I do my homework. We have a lot! Then I do nothing. Next i have dinner and I go to the bed at 22:30.

I like listen to music, do kayak and play with my friends. 

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016


My bedroom looks like a jungle.

The bed is inside a lair. There is a big sofa. There is a big bed. And there is a amazing window and a new wardrove. There is a bunk. It has got a desk next to the big bunk. There is a big flat screen TV. There is a shelf with a lot of books. There is a balcony outside. There is a PS4. The walls are green. There isn't a kitchen, there isn't a big bath. There isn't withe board or a lift. There isn't a swimming pool.

I love this bedroom becouse i very big and it's fantastic.

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016


I'm Joan and I've got a brother called Josep.
We're from SpainOur school is in Catalonia. School starts at 8:15 . We've got six lessons every day. The first break is in 10:15. And the second break is in 12:30
We go home at 2:35. My favourite subject is PE.